March 15th 2015/EngagementDay,,mama you are always in my heart.,bapa,,you are my princess..
First meeting of two family to declare our promises.To decide our story.To agree our planning. To stop their worried..huhu No argue..
Nervous,afraid,worried... Alhamdulillah,,everything was done.
Now,i am taken..i will getting marry soon.:-)
Although everything going good but i can`t lie to myself, i am not happy at all.
WHY??Today is my happiness day but mama not be here.
Actually, bit confusion, to care of my family opinion or his family. mama help me to found my solution. Mama always the best.Mama..thanks for understanding, you are the only one my mama, you are the great mama i ever had. I promises that i will put smile on you face as long as i still alive. I will bring your love, till heaven.
I will never forget you, my praise only for mama & bapa. My present only for you.mama & bapa..i love u..huhu My pleasant for you..
Bapa..thanks for being the best bapa..i am for u as u have done to me. I`m very appreciated and proud to be your daugther.